Friday, February 19, 2010
"Starblack" and Kopi Aceh
Coffee tradition is known in many communities in various countries. But, perhaps only found in Aceh, either in town or village, from dawn until midnight citizens alternately to a coffee shop.
In the village, had always been ordinary people to coffeehouse after morning prayers, "said Sulaiman Tripa Hotel, cultural researcher and author of several books in Banda Aceh. Solomon himself had worked in a coffee shop in Trieng Gading brother, Pidie, while still sitting on the bench junior.
Problems then emerged. Some time ago the Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Irwandi Yusuf, who is also "visitors" coffee shop, got upset because many public servants are not in place when the working hours. He made "sweeping" the official favorite coffee shop in Banda Aceh. Since then the stifling of civil servants in uniform sitting in a coffee shop.
The coffee shop also invite domestic problems. "Breakfast is provided wives often do not touch. Many husbands choose breakfast at the coffee shop," said Tarmizi, entrepreneur coffee shop near the airport in Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar.
Change function
According to Solomon, the function of the coffee shop has been transformed from a coffee shop into a kind of social space, where the exchange of information.
Similar opinion expressed Fasya Teuku Kemal, an anthropologist at the University Malikussaleh, Lhok Seumawe. In the coffee shop is the answer to things that are not resolved through formal channels.
In the coffee shop, people talk about family issues, local politics, national, and the issues that are hot in the press spotlight. Substitution officials first often heard in the coffee shop, including officials scandal.
Coffeehouse figure itself may surprise those who've never been to Aceh. In Banda Aceh, hundreds of people huddled in a favorite coffee shop. Two-wheeled vehicles and four parked lengthwise like in shopping complex.
Coffee shop generally located in one or several shophouses. Some are shaped like a small shop in Java. Can be imagined when the room was packed with people cramped in the middle of a sunny day. Plus cigarette smoke. However, the more people crowded attract even more customers.
"In the coffee shop people can meet and post all sorts of people. Governors, regents, mayors, legislators, businessmen, contractors, teachers, clergy, and even unemployment," said Kemal Fasya. It's easier to meet officials or businessmen in a coffee shop than in his office. "The meeting at the coffeehouse opened the way for the next step."
The atmosphere is hard to find in other areas. In Java, for example, let governors or regents, an echelon II or III in the region must be reluctant to sit in a coffee shop with ordinary citizens or the unemployed because they are able to injure the prestige of civil servants corps.
Stress release
More exciting comment in cyberspace occurred around the existence of coffeehouses this Acehnese.
A blogger, Dudi Gurnadi and friends for example. He memelesetkan "Warkop" in Aceh this with the title "Starblack".
Starblack word is a word play on the international coffee shop that is currently extended in various parts of the world, Starbucks. Black coffee shops in Aceh, as well as their own tastes, making coffee Aceh match was called by bloggers as Starblack.
Another blogger stated, a coffee shop in Aceh also become a place dugem (sparkling world). Lack of entertainment in places like Aceh in the capital, discos, cinemas, nightclubs or presenting live musical entertainment, complete with entertainment, making coffee in Aceh as one of "entertainment" is enjoyable for the people of Aceh.
Nia (29), for example. Humanitarian workers in one of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) affiliated with the United States government is claiming to go to Aceh because of miss-chat chat with friends in a coffee shop colleagues in Aceh. Whether in the store Solong father, Ulee Kareng, or at Warkop Yukee Chek, in Jalan Pinggir time, Banda Aceh.
Again with the other campus. "When he arrived at the coffee shop, the first thing we do read the local newspaper," says a former student activist. After that, begin the discussion of issues of interest in the newspaper. Each has an opinion and often unreasonable. "So, we refer to the coffee shop to update slander," he said.
"Any problem can be solved in a coffee shop," said Tarmiji (42), businessman Sir Geuchik coffee shop, near the airport Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar. He referred Jamil, gurem contractors, who had talked at that time. When needed energy builder, Jamil enough spread information in a coffee shop. The next day, some builders meet Jamil at the same store.
When martial law was imposed, the disaster began to befall those who are still desperate to a coffee shop. Moreover, the coffee shop is one of the security forces sweeping targets.
Those who suspect identity is transported to the military or police headquarters. In Teupian Raya, a few years ago, the security forces set fire to a coffee shop after a bomb exploded near a bridge and killing three members of the Siliwangi troops. Store which is the only building near the scene of suspected post-control bomb attack.
Teungku Yahya, adviser Teungku Abdullah Syafei, warlord of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), to exchange the desire to sit in a coffee shop in Pidie with his life. Security forces were already know your favorite routes GAM guerrillas. Teungku Yahya was killed officer hit by bullets.
The atmosphere of the store is one key to a successful coffee shop business in Aceh. Coffee shop owned by H Nawawi in Ulee Kareng, Solong Banda Aceh, for example. His shop is always crowded, often crowded visitor sitting in his shop.
Commotion? No it had occurred a commotion or complaint. Yet, every day an average of 2,500 people at the coffee shop that served Nawawi's 13 employees.
At Ulee Kareng, the price of a cup of regular coffee USD 3500 and USD 6000 milky coffee. Means, every day there is the velocity of money around Rp 10 million.
Remarkably again, prices at the coffee shops could also be a kind of "economic indicators" in Aceh.
"Before the tsunami (2004), earning USD 20,000 a day can make ends meet. Pricing a cup of coffee is only Rp 1,000. Now earning Rp 50,000 is not enough. Pricing a cup of coffee was Rp 2,500," said Ramond. Ramond (64) is a motorized rickshaw driver who often hung in front of Hotel Sultan, Banda Aceh.
There, the price of a cup of coffee is more reliable as an indicator of good or bad economic conditions. Increase in fuel prices or other macroeconomic policies are the following. Here, the coffee shop is part of the rhythm of life and considered concerning "human rights".
Teh Tarik
A shopping mall is the last place Malaysians would find a mamak shop but, Teh Tarik, located in The Curve, Mutiara Damansara, defies such expectations. Named after the nation’s favourite beverage, menus here have been dispensed with – ask for one and the uniformed waiters will nod eloquently towards items and their prices scrawled onto wall-mounted chalkboard. Service is brisk and prices are a bit higher than Pelita or Khalifa (hot drinks start at RM1.60). Its repertoire of mamak-style staples is limited to sardine and planta-flavoured variations of roti canai, although it offers a good spread of hot dishes and the fried catfish is delectable with a side of sambal. Opening hours are from 08:00 to 12:30, as opposed to the more egalitarian 24 hour mamak stalls, so the party animals pouring out of The Curve’s numerous nightclubs may have to go elsewhere for their hangover cures. For exhausted shopaholics, however, there couldn’t be a more ideal pit stop for reasonably priced fare after a shopping marathon.
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Coffee Department explores
Wait, 5th taste? OK, lets review… there’s sweet, sour, salty and bitter…. and Umami?? What the heck is umami? If you’re asking yourself that very question, you’re not alone. For our monthly ‘Taste Personified’ I decided to bring the ubiquitous Mr. Umami to the experts and open up the dialog around what it has to do with coffee!
So, what is it? In Japanese, umai means delicious, and mi means essence. Loosely translated, umami means ‘brothy’, ‘meaty’, or ‘savory’. It’s that synergy of flavors that when put together induce the added deliciousness to your tastebuds. In Japan, many people call any food that reaches a state of perfection ‘umami’.
Umami has been around for thousands of years, but it was first officially discovered in 1908 by Dr. Ikeda, a chemistry professor at the Imperial Tokyo University. By extracting glutamate from Kombu, (a brown algae and base for Dashi – Japanese fish stock) and pondering the unique flavor profile of the savory soup, he found that umami is actually a taste. In the year 2000, another team of umami researchers found the actual taste bud, or taste receptor; ‘taste-mGluR4’ which when combined with umami rich foods defined it’s fate in our stimulated senses . The concept of having a 5th taste was only introduced to the western world about 30 years ago, and the first book published about umami in the United States was in 2005!
So, what is it? In Japanese, umai means delicious, and mi means essence. Loosely translated, umami means ‘brothy’, ‘meaty’, or ‘savory’. It’s that synergy of flavors that when put together induce the added deliciousness to your tastebuds. In Japan, many people call any food that reaches a state of perfection ‘umami’.
Umami has been around for thousands of years, but it was first officially discovered in 1908 by Dr. Ikeda, a chemistry professor at the Imperial Tokyo University. By extracting glutamate from Kombu, (a brown algae and base for Dashi – Japanese fish stock) and pondering the unique flavor profile of the savory soup, he found that umami is actually a taste. In the year 2000, another team of umami researchers found the actual taste bud, or taste receptor; ‘taste-mGluR4’ which when combined with umami rich foods defined it’s fate in our stimulated senses . The concept of having a 5th taste was only introduced to the western world about 30 years ago, and the first book published about umami in the United States was in 2005!
Mexico Chiapas: What’s Not to Love

As a self-professed coffee enthusiast (okay, coffee geek), I’m looking for coffees that wow me. The perfect coffee has a great story – but let’s face it, it must taste great too!
The coffee “challenge” in my house is that I drink my coffee black and my wife drinks hers with cream and sugar. Though there are many coffees that work for both of us, it is rare when one coffee hits the jackpot – meaning we both love it prepared our way.
When our Mexico Chiapas came out last month, I brought it home to see how it would stack up. Being on the Starbucks coffee team, I’d already tried it and found it to be a spectacular offering, balancing subtle acidity with rich flavors of milk chocolate and hazelnuts.
The looming question was whether my wife would feel the same. Good news – it only took one sip. We have been enjoying it together every morning since.
Coffee Shop in Yogyakarta, from Just Hanging up Watch Indie Films
A little caffeine in a cup of coffee is the best friend to spend the afternoon and evening, either in solitude or crowds. Therefore, enjoying coffee at cafes in Yogyakarta would be an exciting tour agenda. While enjoying it, you can know better the Yogyakarta through the communities hanging in it.
There are a variety of cafe concept, ranging from the is still close to the initial concept to the cafe that had adjusted to the culture of Yogyakarta present. Coffee menu was varied, there is a classic menu of espresso coffee to Indonesia such as Java typically, Aceh, and Toraja. In the cafes, quiet community penwggerak art, lovers of books to cyber community as bloggers and gamers.
You are fond of reading and interacting with the book lovers can visit Deket House Cafe, located in Sagan and Coffee Break Cafe is located at the Jalan Kaliurang. Variety of books with different themes, ranging from light reading like a comic book brought to the theme of philosophy can be found at the cafe that will satisfy your desire to read.
In Deket House, you can read literary books written by local writers and abroad. There was a book by the legendary author Indonesia Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, Pramoedya Ananta Toer and NH Dini to authors such as Nobel Literature Prize Milan Kundera, Nawal el Sadaawi and Umberto Eco. Some books can be rented even with certain conditions.
If you want to enjoy coffee and know better the Yogyakarta through the works of the artists, you can visit the Via-Via Cafe is located in Prawirotaman, V-Art Gallery and Cafe in Jalan Solo and Djendelo Cafe is located at the northern end of Jalan Gejayan. Cafes that serve multiple, but as a place to enjoy coffee as well as art exhibition spaces.
Several exhibitions ever held in the cafe, such as the Combat Aircraft Painting Exhibition held in November 2006 and in the Via-Via Cafe. In Djendelo Cafe is also used as venues for exhibition of paintings, as well as the V-Art Gallery is often held video playback worked by artists of Yogyakarta.
Ease of surfing the virtual world and interact with members of the cyber community is another offer that was carried Lor Kali Cafe near Jalan Kedai Kopi Gejayan and in Mataram Canal. Through facilities connected computer or internet network hotspots, at Kedai Kopi you can surf in the virtual world for free.
If you prefer to use the Internet to play games, you can go to the Empire in the north end of Jalan Gejayan. The place had just opened it has become one of the center of the gamers in Yogyakarta. In addition, it also provides a comfortable cafe is suitable for a brief rest when tired of playing.
Although not want to call himself a coffee shop, located in Kinoki Street Suroto Kotabaru menu also presents a variety of coffee and open atmosphere of a comfortable space. In addition to pamper you with coffee, a place bermotto 'is not a movie, not a coffee shop' is also a gathering place for Yogyakarta artists engaged in the film.
Every day Kinoki presents interesting films, starting the winning films to festivals films indie-movie makers worked by talented young movie makers in Indonesia. In addition, Kinoki sometimes also be held where the reading of short stories, poetry, small talk and even a fashion show.
Generally, the cafes in Yogyakarta open starting at 17:00 pm, but many are also open from noon. Kedai Kopi and Coffe Break are several cafes that are open during the day, around 10:00 - 24.00 pm. While Djendelo Cafe Kinoki and just beginning to open at 17.00 and started to play the movie at around 19:30 pm.
There are a variety of cafe concept, ranging from the is still close to the initial concept to the cafe that had adjusted to the culture of Yogyakarta present. Coffee menu was varied, there is a classic menu of espresso coffee to Indonesia such as Java typically, Aceh, and Toraja. In the cafes, quiet community penwggerak art, lovers of books to cyber community as bloggers and gamers.
You are fond of reading and interacting with the book lovers can visit Deket House Cafe, located in Sagan and Coffee Break Cafe is located at the Jalan Kaliurang. Variety of books with different themes, ranging from light reading like a comic book brought to the theme of philosophy can be found at the cafe that will satisfy your desire to read.
In Deket House, you can read literary books written by local writers and abroad. There was a book by the legendary author Indonesia Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, Pramoedya Ananta Toer and NH Dini to authors such as Nobel Literature Prize Milan Kundera, Nawal el Sadaawi and Umberto Eco. Some books can be rented even with certain conditions.
If you want to enjoy coffee and know better the Yogyakarta through the works of the artists, you can visit the Via-Via Cafe is located in Prawirotaman, V-Art Gallery and Cafe in Jalan Solo and Djendelo Cafe is located at the northern end of Jalan Gejayan. Cafes that serve multiple, but as a place to enjoy coffee as well as art exhibition spaces.
Several exhibitions ever held in the cafe, such as the Combat Aircraft Painting Exhibition held in November 2006 and in the Via-Via Cafe. In Djendelo Cafe is also used as venues for exhibition of paintings, as well as the V-Art Gallery is often held video playback worked by artists of Yogyakarta.
Ease of surfing the virtual world and interact with members of the cyber community is another offer that was carried Lor Kali Cafe near Jalan Kedai Kopi Gejayan and in Mataram Canal. Through facilities connected computer or internet network hotspots, at Kedai Kopi you can surf in the virtual world for free.
If you prefer to use the Internet to play games, you can go to the Empire in the north end of Jalan Gejayan. The place had just opened it has become one of the center of the gamers in Yogyakarta. In addition, it also provides a comfortable cafe is suitable for a brief rest when tired of playing.
Although not want to call himself a coffee shop, located in Kinoki Street Suroto Kotabaru menu also presents a variety of coffee and open atmosphere of a comfortable space. In addition to pamper you with coffee, a place bermotto 'is not a movie, not a coffee shop' is also a gathering place for Yogyakarta artists engaged in the film.
Every day Kinoki presents interesting films, starting the winning films to festivals films indie-movie makers worked by talented young movie makers in Indonesia. In addition, Kinoki sometimes also be held where the reading of short stories, poetry, small talk and even a fashion show.
Generally, the cafes in Yogyakarta open starting at 17:00 pm, but many are also open from noon. Kedai Kopi and Coffe Break are several cafes that are open during the day, around 10:00 - 24.00 pm. While Djendelo Cafe Kinoki and just beginning to open at 17.00 and started to play the movie at around 19:30 pm.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
coffee shop
"Kadai coffee" or "coffee shop" in most places in Sumatra have different shades of cafe, restaurant, or restaurants on the island of Java. "Setting", the atmosphere, and the types of food and beverages provided very unique, far different to the norm in the "home food".
Kadai coffee generally does not provide the weight of food (rice and side dishes complete), although the coffee shop was located in large cities. Coffee shop in the big city to sell food at 1 a 2 a cart parked in front of the store in question. Store itself only provide drinks and snacks.
What is interesting from the coffee shop is located on the function of a place to meet locals and ngobrolnya conducted in a relaxed, warm, and dynamic, in a very egalitarian atmosphere. Topics for discussion can be widened include discussion about the economic, political, hankamnas, to issues of local, national, regional, international and mediocre until the warm gossip, actual, and horrendous.
In talking casually sitting there with one leg lifted to korsi, there is a sitting orderly, and there is also standing up.
The format and atmosphere of warm coffee Kadai style of communication that is wanted in "borrowed" in this website. KBI for a big family, with the existence of "kadaikopi" This means that the KBI began sweeping the world of "e-friendship" with the ease of use make use of computers and communications technologies that enable establishment of friendship through the virtual world, or commonly known as a virtual world. This large family who later in the "zoom" into the village, regional, and Indonesia as a whole, as Minangkabau proverb says:
Adaik badunsanak, dunsanak patahankan.
Adaik bakampuang, kampuang patahankan.
Adaik basuku, patahankan tribe.
Adaik banagari, patahankan village.
If a national scale, of course disconnect maxim is: "Adaik benegara, patahankan country".
Extended family in fact represent a large group of citizens Minang where the first generation and a small part of the family to the 2nd generation was born and had lived in the realm of Minang, but practically the next generation of childhood, adult, and elderly have lived in the seacoast. This generation Minang Minang or bleeding that most people still feel as Minang, ever or never to the Minang realm, but it does not speak Minang or have very little knowledge about the realm of Minang, customs, and culture. Website 'kadaikopi' designed especially for this generation really wants to know more about the Minangkabau, but did not know where to start studying. This generation that seems really, really needs to be embraced, because it may already exceed the amount that citizens living in Minang Minang realm. Because of possible content 'kadaikopi' too light for those who "did Minang", but quite adequate as an "entry point" for the generation of Overseas Minang this varies.
Through the internet with the help of a computer, PDA, or HP today's sophisticated, we can bercengkerma together on various topics of interest and benefit to the families of Overseas Minangkabau, in the village, the Minang realm as a whole, and Indonesia as a nation and state, without bound at the time and place. Time and place, is our free time each, where each of us; "kadaikopi" easily accessible from the home, office, restaurant, or mall.
Structure "kadaikopi" consists of "page" that are static or unchanging, and "category" which contains writings that are grouped according to the groups "extended family" to "Indonesia" above. Writing in the "category" can be commented on directly through the box "comment" which is located at the end of an article.
Thank you for you who have stopped at "kadaikopi"
Kadai coffee generally does not provide the weight of food (rice and side dishes complete), although the coffee shop was located in large cities. Coffee shop in the big city to sell food at 1 a 2 a cart parked in front of the store in question. Store itself only provide drinks and snacks.
What is interesting from the coffee shop is located on the function of a place to meet locals and ngobrolnya conducted in a relaxed, warm, and dynamic, in a very egalitarian atmosphere. Topics for discussion can be widened include discussion about the economic, political, hankamnas, to issues of local, national, regional, international and mediocre until the warm gossip, actual, and horrendous.
In talking casually sitting there with one leg lifted to korsi, there is a sitting orderly, and there is also standing up.
The format and atmosphere of warm coffee Kadai style of communication that is wanted in "borrowed" in this website. KBI for a big family, with the existence of "kadaikopi" This means that the KBI began sweeping the world of "e-friendship" with the ease of use make use of computers and communications technologies that enable establishment of friendship through the virtual world, or commonly known as a virtual world. This large family who later in the "zoom" into the village, regional, and Indonesia as a whole, as Minangkabau proverb says:
Adaik badunsanak, dunsanak patahankan.
Adaik bakampuang, kampuang patahankan.
Adaik basuku, patahankan tribe.
Adaik banagari, patahankan village.
If a national scale, of course disconnect maxim is: "Adaik benegara, patahankan country".
Extended family in fact represent a large group of citizens Minang where the first generation and a small part of the family to the 2nd generation was born and had lived in the realm of Minang, but practically the next generation of childhood, adult, and elderly have lived in the seacoast. This generation Minang Minang or bleeding that most people still feel as Minang, ever or never to the Minang realm, but it does not speak Minang or have very little knowledge about the realm of Minang, customs, and culture. Website 'kadaikopi' designed especially for this generation really wants to know more about the Minangkabau, but did not know where to start studying. This generation that seems really, really needs to be embraced, because it may already exceed the amount that citizens living in Minang Minang realm. Because of possible content 'kadaikopi' too light for those who "did Minang", but quite adequate as an "entry point" for the generation of Overseas Minang this varies.
Through the internet with the help of a computer, PDA, or HP today's sophisticated, we can bercengkerma together on various topics of interest and benefit to the families of Overseas Minangkabau, in the village, the Minang realm as a whole, and Indonesia as a nation and state, without bound at the time and place. Time and place, is our free time each, where each of us; "kadaikopi" easily accessible from the home, office, restaurant, or mall.
Structure "kadaikopi" consists of "page" that are static or unchanging, and "category" which contains writings that are grouped according to the groups "extended family" to "Indonesia" above. Writing in the "category" can be commented on directly through the box "comment" which is located at the end of an article.
Thank you for you who have stopped at "kadaikopi"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Kopi Tubruk – Mud Coffee
Kopi tubruk literally means “collision coffee”. The concoction can be found in many parts of Indonesia, particularly in Java and Bali. Sources say kopi tubruk stems from a similar recipe brought over by traders from the Middle East, where it is known as “mud coffee.” Kopi tubruk is the simplest recipe for preparing coffee. To make a cup, one needs to add two teaspoons of ground coffee and sugar according to one’s taste.
Next, pour in boiling water, and let it “cook” the coffee for a while until most of the grounds have settled to the bottom according to Evi Mariani.
Some say kopi tubruk needs finely ground coffee, while others prefer coarsely ground. Most Indonesians, however, buy the common coffee brands from any given warung (locale store).
Devotees say the key to proper kopi tubruk is in the water. Hot water from water dispensers is often not hot enough to cook the coffee grounds. Uncooked grounds will remain floating on the surface.
Variants of kopi tubruk include kopi susu (milk coffee), in which one adds sweetened condensed milk. A less common variant involves mixing the coffee with avocado juice.
Many Indonesians enjoy the drink with sweet snacks, including pisang goreng (fried banana).
People advise against swallowing the remaining grounds at the bottom. Although there have been no reports of health related issues, many find the intensely bitter taste unpleasant.
Another tip, don’t reuse the grounds to make a second cup.Traditionally in villages, the drink is considered a male privilege. Nevertheless, over time, more and more women have come to enjoy it too.
It is recommended to sip kopi tubruk, and munch an accompanying snack, while enjoying the comfort of your front porch in the company of friends and family as the afternoon rain comes down.
Next, pour in boiling water, and let it “cook” the coffee for a while until most of the grounds have settled to the bottom according to Evi Mariani.
Some say kopi tubruk needs finely ground coffee, while others prefer coarsely ground. Most Indonesians, however, buy the common coffee brands from any given warung (locale store).
Devotees say the key to proper kopi tubruk is in the water. Hot water from water dispensers is often not hot enough to cook the coffee grounds. Uncooked grounds will remain floating on the surface.
Variants of kopi tubruk include kopi susu (milk coffee), in which one adds sweetened condensed milk. A less common variant involves mixing the coffee with avocado juice.
Many Indonesians enjoy the drink with sweet snacks, including pisang goreng (fried banana).
People advise against swallowing the remaining grounds at the bottom. Although there have been no reports of health related issues, many find the intensely bitter taste unpleasant.
Another tip, don’t reuse the grounds to make a second cup.Traditionally in villages, the drink is considered a male privilege. Nevertheless, over time, more and more women have come to enjoy it too.
It is recommended to sip kopi tubruk, and munch an accompanying snack, while enjoying the comfort of your front porch in the company of friends and family as the afternoon rain comes down.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
West Coast coffee
Srruurrrpppp ... ... .. hmmm delicious ...
Ya pas a little story going home yesterday, as I am one of Meulaboh. There's one thing I think interesting for me ceritain in this diblog gw. This could be why I say interesting, because I'm here to talk about drinking coffee. Kalo Japanese people should take pride in their tea indigenous people of Aceh should never dong also proud of their coffee hehehe ...
Reply that we know for a coffee inikan Rich itukan yes, the coffee is brewed and drunk as usual and presented as ordinary as a glass of water to drink milk ato usual. Gw Well this time the name would kenalin instant coffee, typical of West Aceh. Coffee that taste, smell terrible! and the more special is the presentation again. Gw gak lo suggest nyoba not going to make deh soalnya kalo gak ribet understand presentation, kalo gw sih strange to say. hehehe ...
I'm also not understand why his black coffee, which I brewed seahu obviously it was not the language of Aceh deh. But what is important here whatever I want coffee promosiin pride of West Aceh hwahaha ...
Coffee is served in reverse, lha kok bisa? ya can. you look at pictures I took pake hape me poto. Coffee presentation behind glass in telungkupkan ato to the plate. Well sekatang glass mouth position was at the bottom of the glass, confused?

I do not Clearly understand how the presentation could be so rich that people clearly said Sono reply said that coffee is more delicious taste of coffee beans should be cooked to perfection and cooked with water in 100derajat Celsius yangmendidih know, believe not clear ato emang sih would kerasa coffee coffee reply in a way that penyeduhannya using boiling water from the use of water dispenser not rich in boiling water boiling point.
It could be also a rich state gini, coffee and left the opposite telungkupkan automatic air gak ada tuh coffee apart is not in a closed state without air same ato rich dikasi glass coffee cup lid.
And the longer term is used coffee grounds coffee grounds that are typical rough aceh, coffee beans can bayangin segede corn kernels. Sedep pokonya wah banget dah nah way too typical drink, drink coffee by blowing air through a straw in the glass but the direction has to be really careful in blowing them: p because of wrong-wrong reply could spill coffee tuh kalo niupnya kekencengan, a mess right?
More baek lo nyoba mending kalo want to learn first how to drink it deh ...
Wah kalo lo want nyoba please dateng wrote to Aceh will be temuin ya lo coffee, kalo lo dateng particularly to the west coast of Aceh's most banyakmenyajikan this type of coffee. Gw aja this coffee addiction, but not hooked coffee gw lho. But the reply Aceh've got coffee all over the abstinence dah ... gw aja jabanin. hehehe .... bottom.
Ya pas a little story going home yesterday, as I am one of Meulaboh. There's one thing I think interesting for me ceritain in this diblog gw. This could be why I say interesting, because I'm here to talk about drinking coffee. Kalo Japanese people should take pride in their tea indigenous people of Aceh should never dong also proud of their coffee hehehe ...
Reply that we know for a coffee inikan Rich itukan yes, the coffee is brewed and drunk as usual and presented as ordinary as a glass of water to drink milk ato usual. Gw Well this time the name would kenalin instant coffee, typical of West Aceh. Coffee that taste, smell terrible! and the more special is the presentation again. Gw gak lo suggest nyoba not going to make deh soalnya kalo gak ribet understand presentation, kalo gw sih strange to say. hehehe ...
I'm also not understand why his black coffee, which I brewed seahu obviously it was not the language of Aceh deh. But what is important here whatever I want coffee promosiin pride of West Aceh hwahaha ...
Coffee is served in reverse, lha kok bisa? ya can. you look at pictures I took pake hape me poto. Coffee presentation behind glass in telungkupkan ato to the plate. Well sekatang glass mouth position was at the bottom of the glass, confused?

I do not Clearly understand how the presentation could be so rich that people clearly said Sono reply said that coffee is more delicious taste of coffee beans should be cooked to perfection and cooked with water in 100derajat Celsius yangmendidih know, believe not clear ato emang sih would kerasa coffee coffee reply in a way that penyeduhannya using boiling water from the use of water dispenser not rich in boiling water boiling point.
It could be also a rich state gini, coffee and left the opposite telungkupkan automatic air gak ada tuh coffee apart is not in a closed state without air same ato rich dikasi glass coffee cup lid.
And the longer term is used coffee grounds coffee grounds that are typical rough aceh, coffee beans can bayangin segede corn kernels. Sedep pokonya wah banget dah nah way too typical drink, drink coffee by blowing air through a straw in the glass but the direction has to be really careful in blowing them: p because of wrong-wrong reply could spill coffee tuh kalo niupnya kekencengan, a mess right?
More baek lo nyoba mending kalo want to learn first how to drink it deh ...
Wah kalo lo want nyoba please dateng wrote to Aceh will be temuin ya lo coffee, kalo lo dateng particularly to the west coast of Aceh's most banyakmenyajikan this type of coffee. Gw aja this coffee addiction, but not hooked coffee gw lho. But the reply Aceh've got coffee all over the abstinence dah ... gw aja jabanin. hehehe .... bottom.
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