Ya pas a little story going home yesterday, as I am one of Meulaboh. There's one thing I think interesting for me ceritain in this diblog gw. This could be why I say interesting, because I'm here to talk about drinking coffee. Kalo Japanese people should take pride in their tea indigenous people of Aceh should never dong also proud of their coffee hehehe ...
Reply that we know for a coffee inikan Rich itukan yes, the coffee is brewed and drunk as usual and presented as ordinary as a glass of water to drink milk ato usual. Gw Well this time the name would kenalin instant coffee, typical of West Aceh. Coffee that taste, smell terrible! and the more special is the presentation again. Gw gak lo suggest nyoba not going to make deh soalnya kalo gak ribet understand presentation, kalo gw sih strange to say. hehehe ...
I'm also not understand why his black coffee, which I brewed seahu obviously it was not the language of Aceh deh. But what is important here whatever I want coffee promosiin pride of West Aceh hwahaha ...
Coffee is served in reverse, lha kok bisa? ya can. you look at pictures I took pake hape me poto. Coffee presentation behind glass in telungkupkan ato to the plate. Well sekatang glass mouth position was at the bottom of the glass, confused?

I do not Clearly understand how the presentation could be so rich that people clearly said Sono reply said that coffee is more delicious taste of coffee beans should be cooked to perfection and cooked with water in 100derajat Celsius yangmendidih know, believe not clear ato emang sih would kerasa coffee coffee reply in a way that penyeduhannya using boiling water from the use of water dispenser not rich in boiling water boiling point.
It could be also a rich state gini, coffee and left the opposite telungkupkan automatic air gak ada tuh coffee apart is not in a closed state without air same ato rich dikasi glass coffee cup lid.
And the longer term is used coffee grounds coffee grounds that are typical rough aceh, coffee beans can bayangin segede corn kernels. Sedep pokonya wah banget dah nah way too typical drink, drink coffee by blowing air through a straw in the glass but the direction has to be really careful in blowing them: p because of wrong-wrong reply could spill coffee tuh kalo niupnya kekencengan, a mess right?
More baek lo nyoba mending kalo want to learn first how to drink it deh ...
Wah kalo lo want nyoba please dateng wrote to Aceh will be temuin ya lo coffee, kalo lo dateng particularly to the west coast of Aceh's most banyakmenyajikan this type of coffee. Gw aja this coffee addiction, but not hooked coffee gw lho. But the reply Aceh've got coffee all over the abstinence dah ... gw aja jabanin. hehehe .... bottom.
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